- The grand piano was beautiful!
- The acoustics of the place was awesome and so were the equipments (speakers, mic)
- The seniors/graduating batch were so excited for their last performance in the choir. (boo hoo, they're leaving us. The graduates consisted more than half of the choir)
- I had an excuse to shop for a black dress.
- I'm singing with my friends.
- I got appointed as an officer.
- We have help (vocally) from the younger batch (Thank you so much, i hope you will keep singing with us!).
- Our trainer/conductor was as strict as he was fun to be with.
- I have no idea how to put on make up but my friends expertly applied make-up on me.
- I knew a lot of people graduating and it was fun to cheer for them as they got on stage for their diplomas.
- No one fell down the stairs.
- Free dinner! The food was delicious.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
I Really Was Studying...

... i just did it in Tagaytay.
It's been a fun adventure. Today has been a blast! Spending a day with friends at a new place with a great view was the perfect way to have fun and to study at the same time. We had an awesome ride, a long and eventful trip, witty conversations, quotable quotes, a cool corner for studying, and a great time.
I'm glad i allowed myself to go with the flow, overcome some fears, just sit back and let things fall into place. I am at peace with myself today.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Remnants of First Love
Let him go.
Why not?
Just because.
You don’t love him. Why do you still want to hold on to him?
Because he loves me. He’s always been in love with me.
He’s pined for you for years and you’ve treated him like dirt.
Yes, I’ve been mean to him, scorning his love because he wasn’t cool enough.
He’s found someone who wants him. Set him free. He used to be a music box, all sweet and gentle songs.
Now he’s just a silent, broken piece of wood. I did that, I’ve broken his spirit.
Yes, you did. Being with you has turned him into a ghost of his old self. Why do you hold on so tight to something you’ve never wanted in the first place?
Because she wants him! She wants what’s mine. He’s mine! He’s mine because I am his first love.
That’s childish. You’re holding on to him not because you want him but because you don’t want to lose what’s yours to someone who wants him more than you do.
But it feels nice to be loved and adored. And he’s not complaining.
Yes, being loved and adored is a nice feeling. But the best feeling is when the one you love reciprocates your love. If you care about him even a little, let him go.
It’s not that easy. I’ve been used to having him around.
Habit. It’s just your excuse. A weak one at that. Set him free. You’ll both be better off. Loving you ruined him. Give him up. Let her fix him, your broken music box.